NYC VENDOR # VC00236190​

Drone Cadets: Making STEM Accessible in All Languages

Middletown, New York — Drone Cadets is a team of experienced drone enthusiasts who are passionate about teaching STEM skills to children. We believethat every child deserves access to quality education, regardless of their language or background. That’s why we offer our services in Spanish, Chinese, and soon, in sign language.

Our mission is to inspire and empower the next generation of innovators, problem-solvers, and creators through the exciting world of drones. We offer a variety of services, including drone flying lessons, building and coding workshops, and repair and maintenance courses.

We understand that many underserved communities face significant barriers to accessing STEM education. Language can be a significant obstacle for non-English speakers, but we are committed to breaking down that barrier. We want tohelp children from all backgrounds learn STEM skills, and we believethat language should not be a limiting factor.

That’s why we offer our services in multiple languages. Spanish and Chinese are two of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and we are proud to provide our services in these languages. We want to ensure that children who speak these languages have the opportunity to learn about drones and STEM in a language that they are comfortable with.

Furthermore, we are excited to announce that we will soon be offering our services in signlanguage as well. We recognize the importance of making STEM education accessible to children with disabilities, and we want to ensure thateveryone can participate in our programs.

At Drone Cadets, we are committed to servingthe underserved. We understand that many children do not have access to quality STEM education, and we want to change that. We believe that every child has the potential to be a future leader in STEM, and wewant to help them reach their full potential.

No matter what language you speak, Drone Cadets is here to teach you how to fly, build, code, and repair drones. We are passionate about making STEM education accessible to everyone, and we are committed to breaking down the language barrier. If you or your child are interested in learning about drones and STEM, we encourage you to reach out to us. We look forward to working with you!

Explore our website or email us at for more information.

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